The Critical Hour

Only 33% of US States Meet COVID-19 Testing Targets; Americans Added to EU Travel Ban

On this episode of The Critical Hour, Dr. Wilmer Leon is joined by Abel Nunez, executive director of the Central American Resource Center; and Helena Olea, human rights adviser for Alianza Americas.

According to a Tuesday article in The Hill about COVID-19 testing in the US, "The United States is conducting about 500,000 tests per day, a significant improvement from earlier in the outbreak. But the Harvard estimate states that given how large the current outbreak is, the country needs about 1 million tests per day to mitigate the spread of the virus, and about 4 million tests per day to go even further and suppress the virus." What are we to make of this as discussions about community spread, reclosing bars and other businesses and how to reopen schools dominate the news.

"The Supreme Court on Monday struck down a Louisiana law that could have left the state with a single abortion clinic, dashing the hopes of conservatives who were counting on President Trump’s appointments to lead the court to sustain restrictions on abortion rights and, eventually, to overrule Roe v. Wade," the New York Times reported Monday. How big of a setback is this, and should conservatives really feel betrayed by Chief Justice John Roberts' decision?

A very interesting article was published Tuesday in CounterPunch, entitled "Bill Clinton’s Serbian War Atrocities Exposed in New Indictment." It states, "President Bill Clinton’s favorite freedom fighter just got indicted for mass murder, torture, kidnapping, and other crimes against humanity. In 1999, the Clinton administration launched a 78-day bombing campaign that killed up to 1,500 civilians in Serbia and Kosovo in what the American media proudly portrayed as a crusade against ethnic bias. That war, like most of the pretenses of US foreign policy, was always a sham." What does this say about US foreign policy then and now and the media’s involvement in the narrative?  

"The stimulus program that has both infuriated and sustained small-business owners since its launch in April was set to close Tuesday with more than $130 billion left unused, prompting lawmakers to consider how to repurpose the money for the still-ailing economy," the Washington Post reported Tuesday. What are we to make of this?


Abel Nunez — Executive director of the Central American Resource Center (CARECEN).

Helena Olea — Human rights adviser for Alianza Americas.

Kim Keenan — Executive vice president of Odyssey Media, co-chair of the Internet Innovation Alliance and senior adjunct professor at the George Washington University Law School.  

Hannah Dickinson — Associate professor at Hobart and William Smith Colleges and an organizer with the Geneva Women's Assembly.

Dr. Gerald Horne — Holder of the Moores Professorship of History and African American Studies at the University of Houston. He is one of the most prolific writers of our time. His latest book is "The Dawning of the Apocalypse: The Roots of Slavery, White Supremacy, Settler Colonialism, and Capitalism in the Long Sixteenth Century."  

Dr. Jack Rasmus — Teaches economics and politics at St. Mary’s College in California and is the author of the book "The Scourge of Neoliberalism: US Economic Policy from Reagan to Trump."

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