
Moment Lightning Bolt Hits Russian Football Player on the Field Captured on Camera

The footballer, 16-year-old Ivan Zaborovsky playing for the Znamya Truda club, was taken into an intensive care unit after he was struck by lightning during a training session.

Shocking footage has emerged on Twitter which captured the moment Ivan Zaborovsky, a Russian goalkeeper from the Znamya Truda club, got hit by lightning during training.

In the video, the footballer, standing at the penalty arc, is seen collapsing onto the ground after a swift flash of lightning strikes him. Other players were standing behind the touchline and were not affected by the thunderbolt.

Zaborovsky was taken into an intensive care unit and then he was transported to another hospital where he was put into an induced coma. According to the general director of the team, the sky was overcast on the day of the incident, but there was no storm.
