Political Misfits

Biden Fails the Left, Trump Defectors; Trump's Taxes to Be Released!

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden releases economic proposals, but are they more liberal positioning that moves the country nowhere?

Dr. Ajamu Baraka, political activist and former Green Party nominee for vice president of the United States in the 2016 election, sheds light on the truth behind groups like the Lincoln Project, which seemed to target US President Donald Trump in a recent ad. A "group of at least 200 former officials, aides and Cabinet secretaries formed 43 Alumni for Biden to block President Donald Trump from winning a second term," USA Today reported on July 2. But is Biden turning out to be a huge disappointment to the left? Let's break down Biden's Unity Task Force and what we did or didn't learn from 2016. And, is the Broadway play "Hamilton," which is about to be available on Disney Plus, serving up a dish of revisionist history?

Dr. David Schultz, professor of law specializing in election law at the University of Minnesota Law School, breaks down recent Supreme Court rulings and one that is sure to rattle the Trump administration. The high court ruled to allow Manhattan prosecutors to see Trump’s tax records but dealt a blow to House Democrats. Next, Biden released an economic plan, but is it for everyone? Lastly, transcripts from the George Floyd police killing were released. We know it was a tragedy, but how can we make it a stepping stone towards justice? 

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