
‘Complicit Barbie’: Ivanka Trump Scolded After Telling Unemployed Americans to Find New Careers

The hashtag “#ByeIvanka” began trending on Twitter Tuesday morning after Ivanka Trump, US President Donald Trump daughter as well as senior adviser, invited Americans to “find new jobs” and “navigate career transitions.”

Ivanka Trump took to Twitter on July 14 to launch the “Find Something New” ad campaign, which has been backed by Apple Inc. and IBM Corp., according to the Associated Press.

Speaking to the outlet, Ivanka Trump noted that many Americans have been needing to explore a “new trajectory” for quite some time - mostly because of automation.

“Now as a result of COVID, people need to, unfortunately, in some cases, learn a completely new skill,” she said, speaking of the COVID-19 novel coronavirus.

However, many netizens responded to the adviser’s suggestion by arguing that she had simply reinvented the age-old phrase “let them eat cake” - just in time for Bastille Day.

Both Ivanka Trump and her husband Jared Kushner, also an adviser to the president, have been able to maintain their businesses during their time in the White House. While Ivanka has secured a number of trademarks from China, firms run by Kushner’s relatives more recently received millions of dollars as part of the Paycheck Protection Program’s emergency pandemic loans.

Citing data from the Small Business Administration, Business Insider reported that “a handful of Kushner-connected entities” got in on the loans, including Observer Holdings and Princeton Forrestal LLC.
