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School Re-Opening Emerges as Major Fault Line as Uprisings Hit Week 7

US signals escalations in South China Sea; Teachers unions resist reckless reopening; Bearing batons & red tape, DC cops continue crackdowns

In this episode of By Any Means Necessary hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by John Ross, Senior Fellow at Chongyang Institute, Renmin University of China, and an award-winning resident columnist with several Chinese media organizations, to talk about US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo's declaration that the US considers much of China's claims to the South China Seas as unlawful, why the US government's well-documented distaste for international accords undermines any US claim to an international leadership role, and what the British reversal on Chinese 5G technology and the recent China-Iran trade agreement mean for the new international economic order going forward.

In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Nick Stender, a member of the Chicago Teachers Union and an activist with Reds in Ed, to talk about the growing resistance to school reopening across the country, the contradictions exposed by the Trump Administration's widely-loathed attempts to force children and educators back to school amid the pandemic, and how the racial justice, public health, and economic crises have brought us to a "liminal moment" for the future of working people in the US.

In the third segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Chuck Modiano, justice journalist and Sports writer for Deadspin, to talk about ongoing escalations by the DC police in their attempt to suppress the protests at Black Lives Matter plaza, the increasingly obscure and bureaucratic regulations being used to criminalize the demonstrators, and the mainstream media blackout giving cover to police brutality across the country. 

Later in the show, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Kristine Hendrix, President to the University City School Board, Junior Bayard Rustin Fellow with the Fellowship for Reconciliation and contributor to the Truth-Telling Project and "We Stay Woke" podcast, to talk about the latest in the rebellion against police terror in St. Louis, why the Democrats' response to activists' demands is leaving young people even more disillusioned with electoral politics, and why she more than likely will not send her children back to school this fall as the state of Missouri looks to implement a seemingly-reckless reopening. 

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