Political Misfits

Yemen's Humanitarian Crisis; No New Cold War Coalition; EU Reaches Budget Deal

What hand does the US have in aiding and abetting in Yemen's humanitarian crisis and stirring anti-China rhetoric that could lead to a new Cold War?

Kathy Kelly, co-coordinator of Voices for Creative Nonviolence, tackles Yemen's humanitarian crisis. The country remains in the middle of a brutal war, and the accompanying humanitarian crisis is going on years now of being the world’s worst. It seems pretty preventable, but we simply can’t get the US to stop helping Saudi Arabia rain terror on the country, to our great shame. And Yemen’s war and famine haven’t stopped the COVID-19 pandemic from reaching the country: the disease is now wreaking havoc on a health care system that has basically collapsed under the weight of war and famine. And now, a massive oil tanker that has been stranded off the Yemeni port of Ras Isa since 2015 is becoming dangerously destabilized. How did we get here, and how can we avert an environmental catastrophe?

Danny Haiphong, contributing editor at the Black Agenda Report and co-host of "Black Agenda Report Presents: The Left Lens," discusses the misinformation and accusations that China is “threatening US sovereignty,” “coercing business leaders” and “intimidating US citizens,” because these days, this particular US citizen mostly feels intimidated by the US Park Police and other American law enforcement and troops in the streets. He also explains his new piece for the Black Agenda Report, in which he describes this situation as a new Cold War with China.

Dr. Vijay Prashad, director of the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and chief editor of LeftWord Books, breaks down the European Union’s finance deal that will keep the bloc together for now at the expense of its citizens. Also, how can we help developing nations crippled by the coronavirus? And we analyze how leftist movements are destroyed.

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