By Any Means Necessary

Ruling Class Refusal to Address Virus Cuts GDP 10% — And It's Worsening

Nearly 10% of GDP gone as virus continues to spread; NBA looks to 'restart' as outbreak hits MLB; Feds 'withdraw' from Portland — supposedly

In this episode of By Any Means Necessary hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman In the first segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by joined by Alexis Goldstein, former Wall Street professional turned financial reform advocate, to discuss the historic 9.5% contraction of US GDP in just three months, whether the GOP plan for the next relief package will bring any actual relief to those who need it most, and the economic implications going forward if little or nothing is done to address the public health or economic crisis.

In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Nate Wallace, co-host of Red Spin Sports podcast, to talk about attempts to force professional athletes back to work as Coronavirus deaths return to levels not seen since May, and how to separate the superficial gestures towards Black Lives Matter from those with real revolutionary potential.

In the third segment Sean and Jacquie are joined by peace activist Sergio Torrez to talk about the highly-publicized 'phased withdrawal' of federal agents deployed to Portland, Oregon, whether their departure is actually proceeding as announced, and how the Democratic governor and mayor are taking credit for this latest development.

Later in the show, Sean and Jacquie are joined by James Early, Former Director of Cultural Heritage Policy at the Center for Folklife and Cultural Heritage at the Smithsonian Institution and board member of the Institute for Policy Studies, to talk about Kwame Ture's comments on the difference between mobilization and organization, how Herman Cain paid for his faith in "vulgar" free-market ideology with his life, and the need for a unified international front against fascism. 

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