
Sanders and Kasich to Share Stage at DNC While Biden Campaign Makes 'Ruthless Cuts' to Speaker List

Joe Biden is the presumptive Democratic nominee to face off against President Donald Trump in the November election this year. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, however, the convention will be held virtually and with a significantly reduced list of guests.

The 2020 Democratic National Convention (DNC), after already making plans to be held virtually and with a shorter run-time, will see a reduced list of top party speakers.

Two hours have been allotted for each night from August 17–20 for the DNC where former Vice President Joe Biden is poised to accept the nomination to take on incumbent Donald Trump in November.

According to unnamed sources Politico reported on Saturday that the reductions have seen the Biden campaign having to make "ruthless cuts" to some high profile guests there, although the final schedule is not yet been completed.

“We want to have as few elected officials as possible”, said a Biden adviser.
“Every one of these politicians — they give them three minutes but then they take 15. We are trying to avoid that. There will be a lot of video and a lot of regular people".

"It goes without saying that the party's two most popular figures", former President Barack Obama and first lady Michelle Obama, will be given a large big role even with the limited time, the sources familiar with the planning report. Former President Bill Clinton and 2016 Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton will be included too 

According to the politico, there have been complaints that Hillary Clinton's appearance should warrant other failed presidential nominees such as Al Gore and John Kerry making an appearance too.

Others are said to be worried about "spotlighting" Bill Clinton "in the #MeToo era", amid long-term accusations of sexual assault leveled against the former president.

Progressive senator and former primary frontrunner Bernie Sanders will speak on the same night as John Kasich, the former Republican governor of Ohio, in a display of unity between the anti-Trump coalition.

Sanders and Kasich to Share Stage at DNC While Biden Campaign Makes 'Ruthless Cuts' to Speaker List

Former primary contestant Elizabeth Warren and fellow vice-presidential contender Harris have been giben speaking roles at the convention, multiple sources claim, leading to speculation that they have bee removed from Biden’s list of potential running mates.

Democrats are reportedly looking for well-known military veterans and Republicans known for national security expertise in a part of the convention which will prioritise foreign policy.

New York's Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and her fellow progressive 'Squad' members have not yet been given a position.

“It would be stupid not to give her” a slot, said Corbin Trent, a former top adviser to the congresswomen.
“She’s one of the best speakers the Democratic Party’s got".

The DNC is just 10 days away and will look starkly different from past conventions. Recent events, which saw up to six hours of broadcasting, included lower-level elected officials taking up the afternoon schedule.
