Political Misfits

Colonialism in the Sky; Beirut Protests Continue; Trump Executive Orders Questioned

What impact will the privatization of space have on countries?

Dr. Hicham Safieddine, professor of the history of the modern Middle East at King's College London, discusses unrest in Beirut, Lebanon, post-explosion as residents demand political change and the country's prime minister quits. Will the current government hold on or fail?

Dr. Vijay Prashad, director of the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and chief editor of LeftWord Books, talks about the privatization of space exploration and, of course, SpaceX founder Elon Musk.

Steve Grumbine, founder and CEO of Real Progressives and Real Progress in Action, breaks down US President Donald Trump's executive orders that are causing questions over their legality and effectiveness. Trump ordered an additional $400 a week in benefits to those who are unemployed after the $600 weekly bonus passed earlier this year by Congress expired at the end of July. The federal government would pay 75% of the tab, while local and state governments are to pay 25%. What does it mean to have states chip in?

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