
Mike Pompeo Holds Presser at UNSC as Part of Visit to Push For Anti-Iran Sanctions - Video

US President Donald Trump told reporters on Wednesday that he had asked Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to notify the United Nations Security Council that the United States intends to restore all snapback sanctions on Iran.

Live from New York as US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo is holding a press briefing at the UN Security Council as part of a visit in which he is expected to push for anti-Iran sanctions. 

Later in the day, Pompeo is expected to submit an official complaint to the Security Council in relation to Iran’s non-compliance with the nuclear deal amid what the US calls a “maximum pressure” campaign. 

The United States has announced plans to trigger the snapback mechanism to re-impose all United Nations sanctions against Iran — previously lifted under the 2015 nuclear agreement — after failing to get the UN Security Council to pass a resolution aiming to indefinitely extend the UN arms embargo on Iran.

The embargo is set to expire in October under the terms of the nuclear agreement.
