
Saudi-Led Coalition Says Intercepts Houthi Drone, Missile in Yemen

Yemen's Houthi militia has launched dozens of drone and missile strikes against military bases, airports, and cities inside Saudi Arabia in recent years.

Early Sunday, the Coalition to Restore Legitimacy in Yemen forces intercepted and destroyed an explosive-laden drone and a ballistic missile launched by the Houthis toward Saudi Arabia, coalition spokesman colonel Turki al-Malki said.

The drone and the missile were launched toward civilians and civilian objects in Saudi Arabia's south, the spokesperson added.

He also accused the Houthi movement of using civilians and civilian objects to shield the launch site of the missile.

Fighting between the coalition and the Houthis escalated in May after a ceasefire introduced amid the coronavirus outbreak expired.

For over five years, Yemen has been engulfed in an armed conflict between the government forces, led by President Abdrabbuh Mansour Hadi, and the Houthi rebels. Despite the support from the Saudi-led coalition, the government troops have failed to regain control over Houthi-controlled areas in the north.
