
Former Swedish Politician Rings Alarm Bells Over Islamist Infiltration in Her Country's Politics

Former senior Social Democrat Nalin Pekgul, Sweden's first Muslim woman to serve as MP, has unleashed harsh criticism over her own party and their sidekicks, the Greens, for allowing Islamists to gain traction in Swedish politics.

Nalin Pekgul, a former MP who chaired the Social Democrats Women's Union, has castigated the Swedish ruling "red-green" coalition for betraying its values and siding with Islamists in exchange for votes.

In an interview with the website Kvartal, Pekgul suggested that "Islamists had gained influence everywhere" in Swedish politics.

The Social Democrats, the party that led Sweden for the most of the 20th century and continues to be in the driver's seat, albeit with diminished public support so that it has to rely on a coalition with the Greens, should have been much tougher on its filial "Faith and Solidarity" which all but "welcomed" Islamists in the 1990s, according to Pekgul.

According to her, Islamist groups sent letters to all political parties in 1994 and the Social Democratic faith movement seized the moment to cooperate. Pekgul stressed that these Islamist organisations are well organised and good at flattering and convicing non-Muslims. According to her, the Islamists promised "thousands of votes and members", an offer the Social Democrats couldn't turn down. In recent decades, Sweden's most notorious ethnic enclaves, such as Tensta, Rinkeby, and Husby have been voting overwhelmingly Social Democrat.

Pekgul is even more critical of the Green Party, which has been involved in a series of scandals involving Islamists and their sympathisers, including then-Housing Minister Mehmet Kaplan dining with Turkish neo-Nazis. According to Pekgul, the Greens lifted all barriers for Islamists.

"Since then, the Green Party has been the biggest disaster for the country when it comes to Islamists. 'Faith and Solidarity' was an accident for the party, but the Greens are an accident for the entire country. The party allowed itself to be completely taken over by these forces. They pursued their policies through the Green Party. Just look at their bills in parliament and opinion pieces they wrote. When [the security police] Säpo wanted to map extremists, they said that Säpo is racist", Pekgul said.

Nalin Pekgul said she doesn't understand how the left could have been deluded by the Islamists' message of its alleged "anti-racist struggle", as the Islamists themselves sow misogyny, anti-Semitism, and hate toward sexual minorities.

In conclusion, she ventured that integration in Sweden will only work when the state, municipalities, and regions stop giving millions of kronors in grants and benefits to movements and individuals who seek to separate people and generate hatred towards Swedish society.

"If I am to give advice as an old aunt, it is to never let the Green Party control asylum policy and immigration. Never!", Pekgul concluded, referring to a recent episode, where the Greens, at merely 4.4 percent of the vote, effectively quashed the opposition's push for a more restrained immigration policy.

Incidentally, none other than Greens founder Pehr Gahrton has also admitted Islamist infiltration, not least through his own brainchild. In recent years, both independent reviewers and state authorities, including the security police Säpo, have been issuing warnings about Islamists receiving grants from the state.

Turkish-born Nalin Pekgul is a supporter of "progressive Islam" and an avid campaigner against religious extremism and so-called "honour culture". Since her heyday, she has left politics and returned to her job as a psychiatric nurse.
