
Massachusetts Resident Builds Electric Fence to Protect Pro-Trump Signs

According to reports, the Massachusetts resident has already filed two police reports after six signs were stolen from his front lawn in New Bedford during the summer.

Massachusetts resident and member of the New Bedford School Committee John Oliveira, 54, said that he built an approximately 1-metre (3.5-foot) high triangular electric fence around his new Pro-Trump sign, which says “Keep America Great”.

"It's a shame I have to do this", he was quoted by WJAR-TV as saying. "I believe in the president. Obviously, people didn't like it. Horse wire carries a charge. I mean, it'll certainly send a message."

There is a message written on the wire saying in English, Spanish and French: “Warning. Electric Fence”.

"That's what our country is about. Different opinions and voicing them in a fair and equitable manner. Taking a sign is not fair and equitable", Oliveira said. "You have to be able to respect each other or we won't be able to accomplish anything if we don't. Don't mess with my right to free speech".
