
‘Dems Don't Have a Sense of Humor’: Netizens See Red at Trump's '12 More Years' Joke

At a rally in Minden, Nevada, on 12 September US President Donald Trump floated the idea that he might run for a third term after winning in November 2020's presidential elections despite this being banned in all but exceptional circumstances by the Constitution.

US President Donald Trump joked about holding on to power for “12 more years” at a rally in Atlanta, Georgia, on 25 September, where he delivered remarks on Black Economic Empowerment during an event at the Cobb Galleria Centre.

​As he mocked the notion that he would prolong his tenure beyond the US Constitution's limit of two terms (eight years), he imagined the outcry from his perceived critics:

“I told you he's a dictator! … Under no circumstances will he give up power. He intends to serve at least two more terms,” said Trump, adding that certain of his remarks contain a “degree of sarcasm” which prompt people to shout “twelve more years!”

Trump was referring to earlier press coverage after he declined yet again on Wednesday to agree to a peaceful transfer of power if he lost the election on 3 November.

“We’re going to have to see what happens… You know that I’ve been complaining very strongly about the ballots, and the ballots are a disaster,” Trump had said at the news conference.

“You know, you can't joke, [The media] always cut it before the laugh so they think he's serious,” said the POTUS, addressing his supporters.

At that point the crowd started chanting “12 more years!”, with the president laughing in response.

Netizens were split in their reactions, with some lambasting the Democrats for lack of a sense of “humor”.

​Critics believed the whole incident at the rally was “staged” whereas fans applauded the "joke".

​Some on social media doubted if there was any point in longer presidential terms, considering the age of those who aspire to the White House.

​Some comments on social media underscored the importance of adhering to the rules regarding presidential terms set down in the Constitution.

Trump floated the idea of “negotiating” his way towards a third term as he addressed supporters at a rally in Minden, Nevada on 12 September.

After firing up the crowd with assurances that he would triumph in the November presidential election and claim another four years at the White House, Trump suggested that he might be looking at a longer stay, claiming that he might have such a right, having been plagued by probes of all kinds throughout his first term, spearheaded by the Democrats, which he denounced repeatedly as “witch hunts" and "presidential harassment".

​Despite unsubstantiated allegations of the President’s illegal activities, connections between his campaign and Russia, as well as his purported obstruction of justice, none of the claims were proved to be true.

It is anyone’s guess as to just how serious Trump’s ambitions for a third term might be.

The US Constitution allows for two terms in office. To change that, Trump would need to amend the constitution. The only way a US president can serve more than eight years is by filling in for another president if the latter is forced to step down early.

The original non-formal tradition for a two-term limit was established by the first US President George Washington who served from 1789 to 1797 and who refused to serve a third term. Franklin D. Roosevelt is the only President to have won a third and fourth term (in the early part of which he died and was replaced by his deputy Harry Truman) in the 1940s when America was at war. Because of this the 22nd Amendment was adopted to rule out a repeat.
