
OSCE PA Head Urges Global Community to Help Stop Conflict in Karabakh

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - All international organisations and countries should make an effort to stop the military conflict between Armenia and Azerbaijan in the Karabakh region, George Tsereteli, the head of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Organisation for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), said.

"All international organizations and countries must strive to help stop the war," Tsereteli said.

The issue must be resolved through talks, the PA head said.

"The talks should be based on international law and the two sides' political will. The OSCE was created for mediation in this and other conflicts," Tsereteli said.

The bloc is not planning any special session on the situation in the Karabakh region in the near future, but is in touch with both Armenia and Azerbaijan, which are involved in a conflict in the area, George Tsereteli added.

"No extraordinary sessions on the conflict are planned within the OSCE in the near future. But we are in contact. I have already spoken to the chair of the Azerbaijani parliament, will speak to the speaker of the Armenian parliament. We are constantly in touch with our colleagues," Tsereteli said.

The PA president stressed that the most important task was to stop the hostilities and solve the issue based on international law principles.

Turkey Ready to Support Azerbaijan in Negotiations With Armenia and in Combat, Foreign Minister Says
On 27 September, Baku announced a counteroffensive in Nagorno-Karabakh, citing alleged attacks and violations by the Armenian side along the line of control. Yerevan also accused Baku of attacking its forces and ordered full mobilisation, while Azerbaijan has partially mobilised its forces.

Nagorno-Karabakh, an Armenian-majority autonomy, proclaimed independence from what was then Soviet Azerbaijan in 1991. A major conflict between Baku and Yerevan ravaged the area until 1994 when the sides agreed to start peace talks mediated by the OSCE Minsk Group.
