By Any Means Necessary

COVID-19 Chaos Strengthens Call for Independent Resistance to Trump

Trump spins COVID crisis as opportunity; Chilean cop charged after teen pushed off bridge; Anti-trust report eyes Big Tech firms

In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by journalist and By Any Means Necessary producer Wyatt Reed to discuss the latest in US President Donald Trump's apparent rapid coronavirus recovery, the persistent rumors that Trump's coronavirus diagnosis was all for show, and how Democratic credulity and well-wishing exposes the limits of liberal resistance to Trump.

In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Patricio Zamorano, political analyst and co-director of the Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA), to discuss the fallout from viral footage seemingly showing Chilean police pushing a teenager off a bridge, how "regressive" policies and taxes by the neoliberal Chilean government continue to give rise to resistance movements there, and the role of the US government in perpetuating state-sanctioned human rights violations in Chile beyond.

In the third segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by technologist Chris Garaffa to discuss the introduction of the EARN-IT Act in the US House of Representatives, the letter by Republican Congressman Ken Buck describing the upcoming US House of Representatives antitrust report as a “thinly veiled call to break up” Big Tech firms, and why the announcement that AT&T 'killing DSL' means the gap in access to high-speed internet will only grow worse.

Later in the show, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Kamau Franklin, Founder and Board President of Community Movement Builders in Atlanta and co-host of the Renegade Culture podcast, to discuss Trump's dangerous attitude towards the coronavirus and US public health more broadly, the need to organize outside the two-party system to achieve meaningful working-class liberation, and the news Trump has instructed Republicans to stop negotiations on a coronavirus stimulus package.

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