
'Hunter Business Taking Its Toll on Him': Biden Mocked Online for Comparing Kim Jong-un to Hitler

On Thursday night, US President Donald Trump and Democratic nominee Joe Biden clashed in a final debate ahead of the 3 November election on a whole array of pressing issues, including the COVID-19 pandemic, climate change, racism, and North Korea.

During the second and final presidential debate in Nashville on 22 October, Democratic candidate Joe Biden did not think twice before referring to Adolf Hitler as he hit back at President Donald Trump’s remarks related to POTUS' relationship with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un.

After the former vice president accused Trump of legitimising North Korea by meeting with Kim, POTUS responded by insisting that "having a good relationship with leaders of other countries is a good thing".

Biden retaliated by asserting "that's like saying we had a good relationship with Hitler before he in fact invaded Europe".

Most users immediately mocked Biden's remarks, berating the Democratic nominee for a "terrible" comparison and describing the ex-vice president's Hitler-related comment as the "soundbite of the night so far".

"OMG, this is the lowest Biden has gotten... I thought it was not possible to go any lower!", one netizen twitted.

Thursday night's debate, which also focused on the coronavirus, global warming, and racism came amid a scandal surrounding the Democratic candidate's alleged business dealings in Ukraine.

Final Trump-Biden Presidential Debate: Election Meddling, Healthcare, and More
Last week, the New York Post published an email that was discovered on a laptop that ostensibly belonged to Biden's son Hunter revealing how he allegedly introduced his father to Ukrainian businessman Vadym Pozharskyi when Joe Biden was vice president.

The Democratic presidential candidate has insisted that he has never spoken to his son about foreign business dealings. Since the laptop scandal emerged, the Biden campaign has denied he ever held a meeting with Pozharskyi.
