
Genius, Billionaire, Chair Jumper, Secret Santa: Top Not-So-Well-Known Facts About Bill Gates' Life

Gates is primarily known as the co-founder of the Microsoft Corporation, the creator of the ubiquitous Windows operating system.

On 28 October, famous American billionaire and philanthropist William Henry Gates III, often referred to simply as Bill Gates, celebrates his 65th birthday.

Yet while Gates is well known for his role in the founding of the Microsoft Corporation, his biography also features quite a few interesting facts that may not be so well known to the public.

For example, in 1975 Gates was arrested for speeding and driving without a license, and in 1977 he got busted for driving without a license and not stopping at a stop sign, with BuzzFeed claiming that "the outline of Gates' mugshot is thought to have inspired the photo outline on various Microsoft applications".

​In 1994, during a CBS TV interview, Gates was asked whether it's true that he can jump over a chair from a standing position, to which he replied that it depends on the size of the chair in question, and then proceeded to demonstrate his leaping skills.

​Years later, Elon Musk publicly admitted that it was "pretty impressive".

The billionaire is also known as a participant of Reddit's annual Secret Santa event, with one lucky lady receiving an 81-pound package from him in 2019.

​And the ongoing global coronavirus pandemic witnessed Gates becoming a target of an outlandish conspiracy theory claiming that he seeks to use vaccination to implant microchips in people to monitor their movements.

But while this is just that, a conspiracy theory, the fact is that earlier this year, Gates pledged to donate $1.6 billion to Gavi, a global organisation that provides vaccines to children in low-income countries, having also pledged an additional $100 million to a separate fund the vaccine alliance has created to finance the purchase of COVID-19 vaccines for low- and middle-income countries.
