
'March For Freedom' Against COVID Restrictions Held in Prague - Video

According to the World Health Organisation, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Czech Republic has reached 268,370; the nation's death toll has reached 2,365.

Watch a live broadcast from the Czech capital Prague, where COVID-19 sceptics are gathering to express their protest against restrictions imposed by the government in order to curb the pandemic. 

Organisers of the so-called "March for freedom" are urging the authorities to think about the economic and social consequences of the coronavirus restrictions.

Under the latest rules imposed by the government, mass gatherings are allowed in Prague only if the total number of participants does not exceed 500 people and they are divided into groups of not more than 20 people, all of them wearing masks. 

According to the WHO dashboard, the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases in the Czech Republic currently stands at 268,370, with 2,365 fatalities.

*Follow Sputnik's live feed to find out more. 
