
Trump Jr Rallies Voters to 'Make Liberals Cry Again' in Final Election Push

As he addressed those in attendance at the rally, the president's son also made an unflattering remark towards the Democratic presidential candidate, saying that “unlike the Bidens, we don't have a mainstream media that will campaign for us”.

US President Donald Trump's son, Donald Trump Jr, has launched an impassioned speech urging his father's supporters to go vote and explaining why they should do it, as he made an appearance at a campaign event in Kenosha, Wisconsin.

In his speech, Trump Jr thanked the attendees for their support, saying that "we've been seeing it on the ground every day for weeks, because unlike the Bidens, we don't have a mainstream media that will campaign for us".

"So we need you to get out and bring your friends to vote tomorrow", he declared. "And when we do, we can not only keep making America great again, but we can make liberals cry again. Get out there and do it, Wisconsin! Get out there and do it!"

And it seems that at least some social media users had somewhat similar ideas.

Nearly four years ago, a somewhat similar imagery was employed by one eBay user who put a lot called "Democrat tears" for sale less than a day after the announcement of the preliminary results of the 2016 US presidential election which Donald Trump won.
