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Trump Should be Suspicious

Nathan Gill, former MEP is on this week’s edition of Shooting from the Lip with Jon Gaunt talking about the US Election, the EU, the pandemic and much more.

Nathan thinks that the real losers are “The MSM and pollsters who have egg all over their face again. The reality is this, our pollsters are political tools telling people what to think and if only we had a neutral media the world would be a better calmer place.”

On the controversy over Trump’s legal action Nathan says that, “It is crucial to Trump and Americans that this ballot was fair.  Biden is no friend of Great Britain and he has always sided with the EU. We need Donald Trump back in as he has done amazing things.”

On allegations that Trump is a sore loser he says, “He’s had four years of harassment from the MSM, fake hoaxes of Russian interference and impeachment, he has faced an uphill climb every day. I think we can allow him to be a bit worried and suspicious about the result.”

Nathan says that, “I always thought Trump would win it on the day but lose it on the postal vote. It’s bizarre to me that postal votes can be counted three days later.”

He believes that “the Labour Party will now use Covid as an excuse to have a total postal vote in the Welsh Assembly elections.”

On the Covid pandemic he states, “Lockdowns do not work, it just delays the deaths.”

He is a supporter of the Great Barrington Declaration saying, “we are not saying we don’t believe in the virus, we are not deniers, we are saying sometimes the treatment is worse than the disease itself.”

However, the “lasting effect of Covid will be that once and for all the British public will not trust the politicians.”

This is why he says that he has joined with Nigel Farage to help rename the Brexit Party the Reform Party. He declares that “there is a need for a third party and that the Brexit Party have always been about reform.” He ends by stating that UK politics “is no longer about left versus right, it is about common-sense politics, about hope and inspiration.”
