
11-Year-Old Muslim Schoolboy in Berlin Reportedly Threatens Teacher With Beheading

According to a media report, a pupil in a German school was heard to say that anyone daring to insult the Prophet Muhammad may be killed after French history teacher Samuel Paty was brutally murdered on religious grounds.

An 11-year-old Muslim pupil at the Christian Morgenstern primary school in Spandau, Berlin, threatened to behead a teacher, Der Tagesspiegel reported on Tuesday, quoting the school's head, Karina Jehniche.

According to her, the incident occurred when the teacher told her class about the importance of the parenting talks, adding that those parents who do not co-operate will have to face the consequences.

"If that happens because my parents don't come, I'll do the same with you as the boy did with the teacher in Paris," the schoolboy reportedly said in front of the whole class.

The boy was apparently referring to the murder of Samuel Paty, a French history teacher who was beheaded by an 18-year-old man of Chechen origin after had shown his pupils during a lesson in free speech cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad which had appeared some years before in the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo.

Jehniche added that the pupils in the class were "completely shocked". 

Der Tagesspiegel also reported, citing another teacher from the school, that this pupil had made an alarming statement earlier when he suggested after a minute's silence for Samuel Paty that if someone dares to insult the Prophet, he or she may be killed.
