
Royal Fans Urge Queen to Get COVID-19 Inoculation First in Return For 'Years of Service'

Earlier in the day, a senior government source revealed, as quoted by the Daily Mail, that the Royals won't be able to jump the queue for a coronavirus vaccine.

Hours after the report appeared, some royals fans insisted that the Queen receive the coronavirus vaccine first in return for her "years of service."

"Do hope the ‘powers that be’ will put the Queen and Duke of Edinburgh at the front of the queue for the vaccine. So deserved for all the years of service," one person tweeted.

​Others think that the Royals should take the vaccine first to prove the public that it's safe and effective.

"Surely the opposite should be true? What better way to show that the vaccine is safe than by having The Queen and Boris Johnson being amongst the first to be jabbed?" Royal Correspondent Charlie Proctor wrote in a tweet that he later deleted.

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The reaction comes hot on the heels after the Daily Mail reported citing a senior governor source that no one will be given 'special treatment' during mass-immunisation that is to start next month.

According to the priority list, the first group includes those in care homes and their carers. Those over 80 will be in the second group that will also comprise the Queen, 94, and Duke of Edinburgh, 99.
