
Uproar Over Italian TV Tutorial for Women on 'How to Be Sexy' While Shopping in Supermarket - Video

An Italian television network has run a video showing a young woman, dressed in leather shorts and a cropped top paired with high heels, give various tips on how to look appealing while picking up produce from high-up shelves.

The tutorial appeared on the Italian show Detto Fatto (Said Done), which since then was suspended due to the inappropriate nature of the video.

Commenting on the decision, Chief Executive of Italy's state broadcaster, Radiotelevisione italiana (RAI), Fabrizio Salini said the tutorial was an "extremely serious" case of perpetuating unhealthy stereotypes.  

​The woman in the video advises women to "arch their backs" to reach the higher shelves in shops and also to raise their knee “to make the most intriguing situation.”

If an item on your shopping list accidentally falls on the floor, a female shopper should – according to the video - “squat with one knee more bent than the other, keeping legs closed” so that she doesn’t spread her legs “to make the situation more vulgar.”

After the show featuring the tutorial was aired, viewers exploded with criticism, leading to the programme’s suspension.

Among other tips by the Italian shopper is the advice to lift your bottom slightly when standing up after picking up a product that say fell from the shelf. The video ends with the woman seductively dancing, while moving around with the trolley.

Some took to social media and mocked the video by posting memes online.

The director of the state broadcaster RAI, Ludovico Di Meo apologised to the viewers, promising that the incident will be investigated.  
