
Joe Biden Campaign Spent $13 per Vote in This Election, FEC Filings Show

Given that the former vice president's campaign outpaced billionaire Michael Bloomberg as the highest spending candidate of 2019-2020, it had been expected he would also significantly surpass previous candidates.

Joe Biden's campaign has spent a little more than $13 dollar per vote in the 2020 election, the campaign data on the Federal Election Commission (FEC) website indicates.

According to a report filed with the FEC on 3 December, Biden's campaign spent a total of $1,063,053,521 between 1 April 2019 and 23 November 2020, while Biden officially announced his presidential bid on 25 April. Given that Biden has presumably obtained 81,271,129 votes in this election, it comes to just over $13 for each of the ballots cast.

In total, the Biden campaign has raised $1,064,613,463, becoming the first in US history to raise more than one billion dollars from donors. Biden also surpassed ex-NYC mayor and billionaire Bloomberg, who dropped out of the presidential race on 4 March to endorse Biden.

In comparison, incumbent President Donald Trump spent $718,174,436 from 1 January 2019 to 23 November 2020. In total, his campaign has raised  $784,851,655.89, the FEC filings show.

In late October, Advertising Analytics reported that Biden outpaced Trump in spending on television and digital advertising, becoming also the first American in US history to spend more than on $582 million on TV ads.

Biden is projected by major media outlets to be the next president-elect, though the election results are being contested by President Donald Trump, who insists his victory was "stolen" via massive fraud and irregularities. At the same time, he said he would "certainly" leave the White House if the Electoral College, set to meet on 14 December, certifies Biden as the next president of the United States.
