
Reuters NEXT Virtual Summit to Host Four-Day Panel Talks With Top Global Leaders in Gov't, Business

Sputnik News has formed a media partnership with the London-based international news agency, which will convene over 25,000 executives across 200 locations over four days to address the biggest global challenges in business, politics, tech finance and media.

The Reuters NEXT virtual forum will take place in January 11 to 14, 2021 in a global platform seen as one of the biggest and most ambitious leadership summits in the world.

The event's "Rethink, Rebuild, Recover; A new Vision For A Better Tomorrow" theme will explore topics such as climate change, global trade, sustainability, the US elections, Brexit, press freedom, post-COVID-19 economic recovery and others.

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European Central Bank president Christine Lagarde, Alphabet and Google CEO Sundar Pichai, European Commission president Ursula Von Der Leyen, WeWork CEO Sandeep Mathrani, activist and businessman Bobi Wine, Zoetis chief executive Kristin Peck, PAG chairman and CEO Shan Weijian and Chevron chief executive Mike Wirth will address the event.

Additional speakers include Dr Reza Baqir, State Bank of Pakistan governor, Ilarion Merculieff, Global Center for Indigenous Leadership and Lifeways president, Neil Roberts, Lloyd's of London Market Association head of marine and aviation, Iyinoluwa Aboyeji, epidemiologist and senior staff at the University of Indonesia's Faculty of Public Health and many others.

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The January event will join leaders from across the world to discuss how to "build a better world", Reuters Marketing and Reuters Professional head, Josh London, said in a statement.

“Reuters has a unique, global presence and plays an essential role in providing trusted intelligence for professionals. I am thrilled that we can take that commitment to a new level through a hugely ambitious conference that we hope will set the global agenda for 2021,” he added.

The summit was created by Reuters Events, launched in October this year, to unite professionals from business, government and organisations across the world. The summit was launched after the successful launch of Reuters Professional, which aims to build a single platform for events, news coverage, commentary for advising global professionals.
