Political Misfits

Vilsack Nominated for Agriculture Secretary; Mobilised Resistance Grows Around the World

Will Tom Vilsack, projected US President-elect Joe Biden’s nominee for secretary of agriculture, be more of the same?

Jim Goodman, president of the National Family Farm Coalition; and Dr. John Wesley Boyd Jr., founder and president of the National Black Farmers Association, join us to discuss what farmers are looking for under a Biden administration and what Vilsack might accomplish as head of the US Department of Agriculture. 

Dr. Vijay Prashad, director of the Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research and chief editor of LeftWord Books, joins us to discuss the movement happening in India, the latest in Venezuela and the US election.

Sage Salvo, the founder and CEO of Words Liive, an education technology startup company and a former teacher of social entrepreneurship at Montgomery College, joins us to discuss the dismissal of Timnit Gebru, the artificial intelligence researcher at Google who said the company fired her after she refused to remove her name from a research paper she contributed to regarding the limitations of text-processing AI and some ethical issues that processing raised.

Maurice Cook, founder of Serve Your City; and Steve Glaude, executive director of the Coalition for Nonprofit Housing and Economic Development, join us to discuss the housing crisis and what will happen as tech companies invest in urban development.

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