
Kremlin Sees US Sanctions on Nord Stream 2 as Start of Hybrid War

MOSCOW (Sputnik) -The Kremlin sees US sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 pipeline, expected to pump gas from Russia to Europe, as a sign of a hybrid war, presidential spokesman Dmitry Peskov said Monday.

Russian billionaire Oleg Deripaska recently said that "sanctions are a tool of a very real modern hybrid war."

"We definitely can agree with Deripaska that these restrictions ... are in fact a kind of a hybrid war," Peskov told reporters, when asked about Kremlin's opinion on the billionaire's statement.

The best response to these restrictions on the gas pipeline project will be its completion, the spokesman said.

Earlier this month, the US Senate passed the National Defence Authorisation Act (NDAA), which among other things has paved the way for sanctions against the Nord Stream 2 pipeline project.

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Moscow has repeatedly said that Washington's intention to impose sanctions against Nord Stream 2 is nothing but an unfair competition which violates the international law. 

Nord Stream 2 will be a 745-mile twin pipeline carrying about two trillion cubic feet of gas annually from Russia to Germany via the territorial waters or exclusive economic zones of Denmark, Finland, Germany, Russia and Sweden.

The US and some of its allies in Europe have been opposing the project, claiming that it will increase European dependence on Russian gas. Moscow denies the claims, saying that this project is purely economic and urging the US not to politicise it. 
