Breaking news, as well as the most pressing issues of political, economic and social life. Opinion and analysis. Programs produced and made by journalists from Sputnik studios.

Let's Get Our Society Safe

This week Jon takes a look back at the biggest new stories of a year we will never forget and he doesn’t hold back!

Jon reflects on the handling of the pandemic in Britain, “People say I am being a bit hard on Boris Johnson, but he's the PM and the buck has to stop with the leader."

He thinks the Government should be more forward thinking and says “Nobody's going back to school in January, let's just wake up and smell the coffee. Let's get our society safe.”

As for Brexit he thinks it’s clear that, “The EU are just playing us as they don't want us to leave.”

In America, Jon says “I do not think Biden will serve the whole four years. The man has clearly got some dementia problems at the moment. Do you really want a man like that with his finger on the nuclear buttons? He's pushing the narrative, of course, that Russia are still the baddies.”

As for Harry and Meghan he blasts, “They are the king and queen of woke. I don't want to live in a misogynistic, racist, sexist, homophobic, transphobic world but I don't want to live in what they think the world should be where everybody is self-censoring themselves.”

On BLM, Jon states “We should confront racism wherever we see it but we cannot have these cultural Marxists in Black Lives Matter dictating the policy.”
