
'Watch What’s Going to Come Out': Trump Vows to Continue Fight for Victory in Election

Trump has been challenging the results of the 2020 presidential election, arguing that President-elect Biden came out ahead due to mass fraud and irregularities, although more than 60 legal cases filed by his team have been rejected by state and federal courts.

US President Donald Trump has pledged to continue his efforts in overturning the results of the 3 November presidential election, claiming more evidence could be revealed soon concerning the legitimacy of the results.

Trump was speaking on the eve of the Georgia runoff elections that are crucial in determining if Republicans will continue to control the Senate. The runoffs pit Republicans David Perdue and Kelly Loeffler against Democratic challengers Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock. if at least one Republican candidate wins re-election, it will be enough for Republicans to retain the majority in the Senate that will allow them to block much of the Democrats' agenda in a split government situation.

"Watch what's going to come out over the next couple weeks. You watch what's going to come out. Watch what’s going to be revealed”, Trump said at a rally in Dalton, Georgia.

Trump also said there was no possibility they lost Georgia, as Biden was certified as the first Democratic presidential candidate in more than 2 decades to win the state. In 2016, President Trump won Georgia by 5.1 percent.

"There is no way we lost Georgia. There is no way. That was a rigged election but we're still fighting it, and you'll see what's going to happen", Trump said.

Concerning the runoffs on Tuesday, Trump urged Americans to support the two Republican candidates, saying that a Democratic majority would try to pack the Supreme Court. "There will never be another fair election in America", he added.

"That would give them the power to ram through every deluded piece of left-wing legislation that they've ever wanted, that they've ever dreamt of", Trump said. "Your religious liberty will be gone, your second amendment will be gone, your borders and great new wall will be gone. Your police departments will be gone as we know them and your live savings will be gone."

"They are not taking [the] White House! We are going to fight like hell", the president pledged.

Earlier in the day, a US federal judge rejected a lawsuit from Republicans in the state of Wisconsin seeking to give Vice President Mike Pence full authority to overturn the election results. Pence is set to preside over the Congress' certification of the results of the 2020 presidential election on Wednesday. At least 140 members of the House of Representatives and 12 members of the Senate have said they will object to the result and are demanding an independent commission to conduct a forensic audit in battleground states.

At the rally on Monday, the outgoing vice president vowed that Americans will "hear the evidence" on Wednesday, apparently referring to the new evidence concerning alleged election fraud.

President Trump has also been urging Pence to reject Biden’s victory during the Congressional certification.

On 14 December, the Electoral College officially certified Democrat Biden as the winner of the 2020 presidential election, after all 50 states certified the voting results totalling 306 electoral votes for Biden and 232 electoral votes for Trump.

Biden's inauguration is scheduled for January 20.
