
Situation in Washington, DC After Pro-Trump Rioters Breach US Capitol

In the early hours of Thursday morning, US Congress certified Joe Biden's presidential win after resuming its session to officially count the Electoral College votes, previously disrupted by violent pro-Trump activists.

Watch a live broadcast from outside the US Capitol in Washington DC after Trump supporters stormed the building on Wednesday evening while lawmakers were preparing to certify Joe Biden's presidential election victory.

At least four people were killed and dozens more injured in the unrest.

As soon as the police managed to control the protesters, senators resumed their session to confirm Biden as the next US president and Kamala Harris as his next vice-president. 

According to reports, currently, the military personnel are preparing to erect a seven-foot-tall "nonscalable" fence around the entire Capitol. The fence would remain in place for at least 30 days. The National Guard is also expected to be deployed.

*Follow Sputnik live feed to find out more. 

