The Backstory

Pompeo & Mnuchin Betrayed Trump with Sanctions Against Whistleblower Andrii Telizhenko

On today’s episode of The Backstory, host Lee Stranahan discussed current events, President Trump being the first ever President impeached twice, and the immense fencing around the US Capitol.


Yaakov Shapiro - Speaker, Author, and Rabbi| Desensitization, Free Speech, and Zionism Using Anti-Semitism For Propaganda Purposes

Jason Goodman - Founder of Crowdsource the Truth | Journalism, How Propaganda Works, and Qanon Being a L.A.R.P

In the first hour, Lee spoke with Yaakov and the problems with repeating harmful rhetoric, calls for violence, and damage the media does psychologically. Yaakov discussed President Trump’s rhetoric that led to the US Capitol incident, and the blame is mainly on President Trump for his dangerous speech. Rabbi Yaakov talked about how Zionists have been using propaganda since the creation of Israel.

In the second hour, Lee talked with Jason Goodman on what caused his start in citizen journalism, how propaganda is used on both sides of politics, and social engineers. Jason said he became concerned overtime about the individuals President Trump was retweeting and discovered these individuals to be connected with social engineer networks. Jason and host Lee discussed the many ways propaganda is used to create interior and exterior fighting in the truth and justice movement.

Lee also discusses how Mike Pompeo and Steven Mnuchin betrayed Donald Trump with sanctions against former Ukrainian officials.

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