
Pence Delivers Final Official Speech Addressing American Servicemen at Fort Drum

WASHINGTON (Sputnik) - US Vice President Mike Pence made his final official appearance at the Fort Drum military reservation in Jefferson County, New York on Sunday.

Pence thanked the soldiers of the 10th Mountain Division, many of whom recently returned from Afghanistan, and their families for their service.

"It’s deeply humbling to stand before people like you, but maybe it’s altogether fitting that you hear from an American like me, not so much as your Vice President, but just as a grateful citizen to say the words that you should hear now and for the rest of your lives: 'Thank you for your service'", Pence said.
Pence Delivers Final Official Speech Addressing American Servicemen at Fort Drum

On Wednesday, US Vice President-elect Kamala Harris will be sworn in as Pence's successor while Joe Biden will be inaugurated as the next US president, succeeding Donald Trump.

Last week, speaking at a meeting with the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), Pence assured that the outgoing administration was committed to an orderly transfer of power and a safe inauguration ceremony.
