
Price Tag on Fun: Brits Warned About Hefty Fines for Snowball Fights or Sledging Amid Lockdown

The coronavirus pandemic has forced people to adjust their lives to a new reality, forgoing some of activities that used to be taken for granted, even seemingly innocent ones. Not everyone is pleased with such arrangements, though; certainly not Brits who have been discouraged from enjoying traditional winter pastimes.

Much of the UK has been blanketed by white snow, and police officers in London, Surrey and Wiltshire have called on people not to get overly excited and stick to the coronavirus-related restrictions. According to the lockdown rules, exercising outdoors with more than one member of another household could be punished with a £200 fine.

Surrey Police took to Twitter to remind people enjoying winter activities of the existing rules.

​Wiltshire Police inspector Louis McCoy similarly warned the populace of their responsibility to respect the lockdown rules, cautioning against sledging and snowball fights.

Officers from the London borough of Merton chimed in, apologising for being spoilsports, but urging people to honour the regulations nonetheless.

​Naturally, not all Brits were happy about the situation, and funnelled their indignation on Twitter.

The UK is in the midst of its third wave of lockdowns and has posted between 30,000-40,000 new cases daily over the past week. 
