Political Misfits

More Amazon Deaths; US & UK Relationship; Bipartisanship on Foreign Policy

Amazon has become one of the most dangerous places to work during COVID. How many lives have to be lost before this corporate giant is held accountable?

Tina Banks joins us to discuss the death of her sister, who was a COVID-19 tester for Amazon. While Jeff Bezos continues to make endless amounts of money we are getting more information on what costs he is willing to pay to amass a fortune. At the end of last week we got the tragic news that an Amazon employee, and more importantly a mother, sister, and a beloved community member, Poushawn died. 

Dr. Kenneth Surin, professor emeritus of literature and professor of religion and critical theory at Duke University, joins us to look across the pond and at how the US, UK relationship might be evolving, post-Brexit, post-Trump.

Kevin Gosztola, journalist and documentary filmmaker who writes at Shadowproof.com and co-hosts the podcast Unauthorized Disclosure, joins us to discuss bipartisanship on foreign policy. Lindsay Graham and incoming Secretary of State Tony Blinken are on the same page for how the US should handle its friends and foes. We will also share the story of the currently jailed Joshua Schulte, a former CIA software engineer accused of leaking the Vault7 files.

We'd love to get your feedback at radio@sputniknews.com
