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Vaccine Row Proves Brexit Was Right

Ex-Fleet Street editor, Neil Wallis, shoots from the lip right from the outset in this interview accusing the BBC of political bias against Boris Johnson and he gives his forthright views on the EU.

Speaking about the so-called "Vaccine War" with the EU, Neil Wallis slams Brussels for "demanding that everyone does something for the greater good".

"We signed an agreement and we shoved a load of money into research three months before the EU got off its backside and I have no doubt Boris will stick to his guns on this and so he should".

Neil also notes that, "even the German press are now saying that the vaccine war is proof positive why Brexit was right".

On the handling of the pandemic he states "Boris has got things wrong but the last time there has been something like this, with a threat to our life and economy, was the Second World War".

Neil makes the point that Boris, "has not acted decisively in dealing with idiots like Gavin Williamson".

On the critics of Charlie Mullins he says, "they whinge about civil liberties but let me tell you I don't want a plumber in my house who hasn't been vaccinated, why should I?"

He finishes the interview with a full-frontal attack on the BBC saying that, "the BBC has been a disgrace and so have most of the broadcast media. The BBC and even the Today programme have not been impartial".

He concludes the interview by quoting an opinion poll that showed, "lots of people think Boris has got things wrong but they also think that other people would have made the same mistakes as we have not been here before. This is why our national broadcaster, the BBC should not be taking an overt political stance like they have been doing consistently".

This podcast is a cracker, don't miss it!
