
Online Crowd Polarised as Gateway Pundit Boss Gets Banned on Twitter

Some social media users appeared to regard Hoft’s ban as an act of censorship, while others have welcomed the development.

Jim Hoft, founder of the Gateway Pundit news website, recently joined the ranks of people permanently banned from Twitter.

According to CNN, Hoft’s blacklisting comes after he violated Twitter’s "civic integrity policy," which states: "You may not use Twitter's services for the purpose of manipulating or interfering in elections or other civic processes." The media outlet further alleges that the Gateway Pundit was promoting  "falsehoods about the 2020 presidential election, both on Twitter and directly on its website, alleging voter fraud and voter irregularities."

The move has elicited a mixed response online, with some cheering Hoft’s suspension.

​Others, however, don’t seem to think too highly of it, with at least one netizen saying the First Amendment has been "shredded and tossed into the garbage bin."

And there are those who have suggested who they’d like to see suspended as well. 
