
About 7Mn Texans Experience Water Issues Amid Freezing Weather, Report Says

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Almost seven million Texas residents are suffering from issues with water systems amid anomalously cold weather that hit the US state, NBC NEWS reported on Thursday.

According to Toby Baker, the executive director for the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality, nearly seven million Texans were advised by 276 water systems to boil their tap water due to the issues with water systems and purification quality. Meanwhile, 264,000 people are said to be living in areas in which water systems are not operational at all.

Utility Company Says Texas Residents May Face Prolonged Power Outages as Water Issues Emerge
The situation is exacerbated by the fact that because of power outages many cannot boil their water.

However, as Baker adds, even after the power is back, all water systems will require bacteriological sampling to clear the previously issued instructions.

About 7Mn Texans Experience Water Issues Amid Freezing Weather, Report Says

Freezing temperatures battered the United States' south and heartland this week, leaving about 29 people killed and millions of Texan households without power.
