Breaking news, as well as the most pressing issues of political, economic and social life. Opinion and analysis. Programs produced and made by journalists from Sputnik studios.

Biden Breaks Promises at the Border but Keeps Pockets Open for Business

On this episode of Fault Lines, hosts Jamarl Thomas and Shane Stranahan discuss the Biden administration, including the US president's relationship with Saudi Arabia, the denial of his pick for OMB, Neera Tanden, and the current White House policies on immigration.


Chris Williamson – British politician | Reuters and BBC Leaks

Garland Nixon – Political analyst and co-host of the Critical Hour and Critical Hour Extended | Progressives aren’t crying over Tanden | Is Biden breaking border promises?

Wyatt Reed – News analyst and producer for By Any Means Necessary | Bolivia: Añez refuses to testify

Peter Oliver – EU correspondent at RT| EU/Germany vaccine rollout

Continuing a conversation concerning the release of documents from Britain’s FCO, former parliamentarian Chris Williamson gives his thoughts on media bias and propaganda in relation to Reuters, BBC and other media outlets.

It has been made clear that Biden’s top pick for OMB, Neera Tanden, is not highly favored in the senate. Garland Nixon talks in detail with the Fault Line team on the reasons behind this boisterous house battle. The team also discusses Biden’s border immigration policies.

The former president of Bolivia, Jeanine Añez, and members of her former cabinet are currently under investigation for economic damage in the form of a loan from the IMF worth over $340 million. Wyatt Reed, political analyst and producer of By Any Means Necessary, describes the ramifications of this loan and what it means for the Bolivian people.

The EU has been having issues distributing Covid-19 vaccines, especially in Germany where citizens have proclaimed that they do not think the vaccine is effective. EU correspondent Peter Oliver speaks on the outrage of German citizens over the lack of vaccines and the lack of trust in their effectiveness.

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