The Backstory

Trump & 2022

On today’s episode of The Backstory, host Lee Stranahan and co-host John Kiriakou discussed current events, including 22 people killed from the Biden administration Syria bombing, and Governor Cuomo acknowledging sexual harassment towards women.


Carmine Sabia - Writer and Editor at Large at | Free Speech, Trump’s CPAC Speech, and Andrew Cuomo

Mark Frost - Economist, Professor, Consultant, and Libertarian | Trump’s Personality, COVID19, and the Economy

In the first hour, Lee and John spoke with Carmine Sabia on the media depicting conservatives as Nazis, CPAC, and multiple Democratic governors under fire. Carmine spoke about the cancel culture attacks on conservatives during CPAC and preserving the First Amendment. Carmine talked about the media's efforts to avoid the Governor Cuomo harassment allegations. In the second hour, Lee and John spoke with Mark Frost on individual freedoms, COVID, and President Trump’s actions in 2020. Mark spoke on his reasons for voting for Trump and why he would never vote for Trump again. Mark talked about his recent experience in the healthcare system and how COVID has affected the entire system.

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