The Backstory

March Forth

On today’s episode of The Backstory, host Lee Stranahan and co-host John Kiriakou discussed current events, a Terror attack in Sweden including eight people injured, and Texas Governor ending mask mandate, and the House cancels Thursday session after a possible attack on Congress.


Jason Goodman - Founder of Crowdsource the Truth | Masks Efficacy, CPAC, and CDC Statistics  

Peter Oliver - RT European Correspondent and Sputnik European Correspondent | Sweden Terror Incident, No Go Zones, and Germany 

In the first hour, Lee and John spoke with Jason Goodman on his year-long investigation into masks mandates, censorship, and possible CPAC involved in a fraud. Jason spoke on the science and efficacy of the masks and a paper Dr. Fauci wrote in the past on masks and lung infections. Jason spoke on the failures from day one from the Biden administration. 

In the second hour, Lee and John spoke with Peter Oliver on the terror attack in Sweden, Germany’s politics, and sentencing for terrorism. Peter talked about the punishments that immigrants face for terror attacks in Sweden. Peter spoke on the right-wing extremism in Europe and how the media covers Islamic terrorism and right-wing terror. 

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