Political Misfits

Myanmar Repression; Lula Back in Play; Indigenous Struggle in Colombia

Lula’s corruption convictions annulled, clear the way for a presidential run. What does this mean for the future of Brazil politics?

Leela Anand, organizer with the ANSWER Coalition, talks to us about the growing protests in Myanmar and how the government has responded with extreme repression, the reasons and objectives for these protests and their prospects for achieving their goals, the ongoing multiple conflicts happening in the country, the impacts they could have on political decision-making there, and what role could regional powers have in mediating this crisis.  

Maria Luisa Mendonça, Director of the Network for Social Justice and Human Rights in Brazil, and Arnold August, journalist and speaker, and author of the book “Cuba-U.S. Relations: Obama and Beyond,” join us in a conversation about Former President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva possible return to politics after being cleared of corruption charges, what does this mean for politics and the people in Brazil in the future, what a potential Bolsonaro/Lula political race could look like, and the constraints faced by Latin American leaders under an aggressive U.S. foreign policy.

Angela Arias-Zapata, PhD Candidate in Media, Culture, and Communication at New York University, tells us about French corporation Groupe Casino being sued in French court by indigenous people from Colombia and Brazil, how the plaintiffs are linking the cattle industry to deforestation and land theft in the Amazon, the undue influence of big agribusiness in the country and how it’s one of the main drivers of violent conflict that entrenches the power of local elites through the dispossession and disempowerment of communities.

Kei Pritsker, journalist at Breakthrough News, talks about The Washington Post telling us that “Comedians are Struggling to Parody Biden,” and how that flies in the face of reality, and joins hosts Michelle Witte and Bob Schlehuber to sample some of the best clips from the Cuomo archives in our Cuomo Fomo game.

The Misfits also talk about the state of vaccine stocks in the US, the upcoming trial of Derek Chauvin, and the National Guard staying in the Capitol for the long run.  

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