By Any Means Necessary

Lack of Capitol Coup Prosecutions Shows White Supremacy, Activists Say

Witnesses testify they called cops on Derek Chauvin; World leaders call for united approach to pandemics; Amazon social media campaign tanks.

In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, hosts Sean Blackmon and Jacquie Luqman are joined by Dr. Gerald Horne, Moores Professor of History and African American Studies at the University of Houston, and author of the book “The Apocalypse of Settler Colonialism: The Roots of Slavery, White Supremacy, and Capitalism in 17th Century North America and the Caribbean,” to discuss the trial of former Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin in the killing of George Floyd, and where the slaying fits within the backdrop of settler-colonial violence upon which the US government was founded.

In the second segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Dr. Iyabo Obasanjo, Professor of Public Health at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg, VA, to discuss the new letter by dozens of world leaders calling for a united international approach to pandemics, why Asian countries’ push to limit the spread of the virus was more effective than the simple strategy of vaccination pursued by many western countries, and how the prioritization of profits over public health brought about the current crisis.

In the third segment, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Chris Garaffa, editor of Tech for the People, for another edition of our new weekly segment “Tech For The People.” They discuss the widely-mocked denial by Amazon’s social media team of accusations that the company’s policies force workers to urinate in bottles, Amazon’s ongoing battle with high-profile Democrats on Twitter, and Google’s decision to scuttle hacking operations by a country allied to the US.

Later in the show, Sean and Jacquie are joined by Eleanor Goldfield, a creative activist, journalist, and co-host of the Common Censored podcast with Lee Camp, to discuss the latest developments in the trial of Derek Chauvin, the importance of creating community-based alternatives to the police, and how the historical white supremacist sympathies of US police tie into the lack of prosecution for the pro-Trump rioters.

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