
Netizens Mock US Senator Using Image of Russian Jets to Wish Air Force Reserve Happy B-Day

A Su-34 fighter-bomber before the start of the regional qualifying stage of the Aviadarts-2021 international flight crew training competition on the territory of an aviation regiment of the Southern Military District (YuVO) in the Krasnodar Territory.
The US Air Force Reserve, created in 1948, celebrated its birthday on April 14. While surely the senator did not intend to embarrass herself while congratulating servicemen on the occasion, her poor knowledge of aviation technology quickly became the target of jokes.

Cindy Hyde-Smith, a Republican senator from Mississippi, congratulated the US Air Force Reserve Command on Twitter with a picture of Russian Su-34 fighter-bomber/strike aircraft.

Congratulating the military personnel with the 73rd anniversary of their major command, she thanked "all the reservists who are constantly on the ready to serve our nation".

It was the picture in the background, however, that attracted the attention of many social media users, who wondered if they had somehow missed any changes that had been made.

​After users reacted furiously to the senator's mistake, Hyde-Smith hastened to remove the post and change it with one containing the appropriate background picture.

​However, some users called it a national pastime for Americans to pass off Russian weapons as their own.
