
Watch Biden Confuse Russian President's Surname When Giving Remarks on Bilateral Relations

It seems to be yet another gaffe on the part of the 46th American president, whose constant verbal mistakes have become a source of jokes on social media, while at the same time triggering fears that Biden might not be suited for the job.

US President Joe Biden has once again amused netizens by confusing the name of the Russian President Vladimir Putin, calling him “Klutin”.

Luckily, Biden quickly corrected himself.

Biden was addressing the sanctions imposed by his administration on Russia over a number of accusations put forward by Washington against Moscow, namely alleged interference in the 2020 US presidential election and the purported hacking of US software supply chain networks.

Funny enough, it wasn't his only verbal stumble during the speech, as Biden also had difficulty pronouncing the word “escalation”, probably confusing it with “vaccination”. It is not clear exactly what he intended to say first, because Biden did not finish the word.

Thursday's lapses come as part of a series of similar slips of the tongue Biden made during his election campaign and after becoming the US president. The most recent were when he called US Vice President Kamala Harris “President Harris” and struggled to recall the name of Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin.