Scottie Nell Hughes - Journalist, RT News Anchor, and Political Commentator | Sputnik V Vaccine, Media Creating Racial Division, and the George Floyd Death politicized
In the first hour, Lee and John revisited the Twin Falls rape story. Lee talked about Breitbart initially assigning him to the story and the local news accurately reporting the facts. Lee and John listened to clips of MSNBC and a Washington Post reporter omitting facts of the story and smearing journalist Lee Stranahan for working at Sputnik.
In the second hour, Lee and John spoke with Scottie Nell Hughes on the Chauvin decision, the media coverage of crime, and politicians creating more laws that lead to prison. Scottie talked about the Chauvin trial becoming racial and the charges Chauvin received having nothing to do with race. Scottie talked about the speed at which the U.S. vaccines could be administered versus the decade of research into the Sputnik V vaccine.
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