
Rudy Giuliani's Son Blasts 'Politicisation' of the DoJ Over 'Absurd' Raid on Father's Home

The New York home of Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani was searched by FBI investigators on Wednesday in relation to a probe reviewing whether he had broken lobbying laws while serving as a part of the previous administration.

Andrew Giuliani has blasted the “disgusting” and “absurd” raid on his father’s home by the federal agents, while calling for a stop to the “politicisation” of the Justice Department.

Speaking to reporters just outside of Rudy Giuliani’s apartment, his son said that “anybody, any American, whether you are red or blue, should be extremely disturbed by what happened here today, by the continued politicisation of the Justice Department”.

"I am speaking as a son and a concerned American," argued Giuliani, who earlier announced his plan to run for the New York governor's seat in the 2022 election.

"This is disgusting. This is absolutely absurd,” he added.

According to Rudy Giuliani's lawyer Robert Costello, his client’s apartment was raided on Wednesday when seven FBI agents arrived at his home at 6 am, seizing some of his electronic devices – including phones and laptops – as part of the investigation into the ex-mayor’s lobbying activities. Giuliani is being accused of violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) while lobbying the Trump administration on behalf of Ukrainian officials without notifying the State Department.

Costello, who earlier described the raid as a “legal thuggery”, told Fox News that the move was intended to make Trump’s personal lawyer “look like he’s some sort of criminal”.

What About Hunter Biden’s Hard Drive?

The son of New York’s former mayor believes that the federal authorities would be better off concentrating their efforts on investigating Joe Biden’s son Hunter over his previous business activities in Ukraine, rather than attacking his father.

"The only piece of evidence that they did not take up there today was the only incriminating evidence that is in there and it does not belong to my father. It belongs to the current president's son,” Giuliani said in a reference to a copy of the hard drive from a laptop allegedly belonging to Joe Biden’s son Hunter.

The so-called “laptop from hell” was in the epicentre of all the drama surrounding Hunter Biden’s controversial business deals in Ukraine while his father was overseeing Washington’s relations with Kiev in the Barack Obama administration.

Rudy Giuliani's Son Blasts 'Politicisation' of the DoJ Over 'Absurd' Raid on Father's Home

Hunter, who became a board member of Ukraine’s gas giant Burisma in 2014, is said to have abandoned his laptop in a Delaware repair shop in April 2019, prompting its owner to hand over the hard drive to the FBI and a copy to Trump’s attorney Giuliani.

Giuliani then contacted journalists with some controversial information from the hard drive, which hinted that Biden had played a role in his son’s business deals in Ukraine and China despite his previous denial, suggesting a conflict of interest and even possible instances of corruption in the Obama administration.

This laptop was reportedly subpoenaed by the FBI and was reviewed as a part of an ongoing investigation into Hunter Biden’s tax affairs and money deals in foreign countries. The president’s son, who said that he learned about the probe only in December 2020, told CBS this month that he was “100 percent certain” that he would be cleared of any potential wrongdoings by the investigators.

Following a raid on Rudy Giuliani’s home, his son has proclaimed boldly: "Our Justice Department should be independent of politics. Enough is enough, ladies and gentlemen. We cannot stand for this anymore."

"If this can happen to the president's lawyer, this can happen to any one of us,” Andrew added.
