
About 21.5Mln People in Russia Vaccinated Against COVID-19, President Putin Says

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - More than 21 million people in Russia have been vaccinated against COVID-19, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Monday.

"We have 21.5 million people who have already been vaccinated, the results are very good throughout the country", Putin told the Rossiya-24 broadcaster.

The president, who received the first shot of a two-component Russian vaccine back in March and the second one in April, also said that the results of his standard enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (IgA and IgG ELISA testing) showed a positive ratio of 15, which points to a high amount of antibodies after receiving the jab.

"You mentioned the antibody titers, now experts talk about the positivity ratio. Mine turned out to be 15. The doctors said it was a good result", Putin told Rossiya-24 in response to a question about his vaccination results.
About 21.5Mln People in Russia Vaccinated Against COVID-19, President Putin Says

Last week, Deputy Prime Minister Tatyana Golikova said that some 9.4 million Russians, or 6% of the population, had been administered both doses of a COVID-19 vaccine and that 13.4 million people had so far received their first dose.

Russia was the first country in the world to register a coronavirus vaccine, Sputnik V, with two other vaccines (EpiVacCorona and CoviVac) following later.

