By Any Means Necessary

Communication and Organizing Deepens Solidarity Even as Language and Bureaucracy Pose Challenges

Today we’re talking about the political implications of the GOP vote to oust Liz Cheney from House leadership on both parties, the local impact of the CDC federal housing moratorium possibly being overturned, and the use of language as a method of protest to connect with allies in the US in Haiti.

In this episode of By Any Means Necessary, host Jacquie Luqman is joined by Ryan Cooper, National Correspondent for The Week magazine, and co-host & producer of LeftAnchor podcast to discuss the political fallout and implications of Rep. Liz Cheney being ousted from her House GOP leadership position; the political strategy that Republicans are banking on with their ironclad loyalty to Trump; and the implications for Democrats if they don't use their political power to stop the Trump Tsunami that could roll right over them to the White House in 2024.

In the second segment, Jacquie is joined by Jose Torres, producer with Political Misfits on Sputnik Radio and volunteer organizer with DSA’s Stomp Out Slumlords Campaign to discuss the local impact of the CDC's eviction moratorium possibly being overturned; the difficulties organizing for federal and local housing assistance even before the pandemic that has only been made worse because of it; how landlords are faceless corporate entities that have little vested interest in working with tenants to avoid homelessness; and the disturbing links to The Panama Papers scandal that exists in the real estate market that continues to protect slumlords and absentee landlords even as they turn working families out into the street for higher rents.

In the third segment, Jacquie is joined by Taminisha John, a Ph.D. candidate at Florida International University studying multinational corporations in the Caribbean to discuss how the ongoing protests in Haiti against Jovenel Moïse's regime are connected to the US and OAS interference in the 2016 election there; the past horrors of the Duvalier regime that Haitians struggled against in the 80s; and the way Haitians are using English as a protest tool to connect with US citizens and establish the international solidarity needed to defeat US imperialism.

Later in the show, Jacquie is joined by Danny Haiphong, Contributing Editor of Black Agenda Report, Co-Host of The Left Lens, and co-author of “American Exceptionalism and American Innocence: A People's History of Fake News―From the Revolutionary War to the War on Terror” to discuss the Democrats celebrating Biden's first 100 days as a victory, but are they really; how the Pan-European global project is on the brink of collapse because of growing international solidarity and struggle; the hypocrisy of US State Department officials declaring Xinjiang an open-air prison, but the refusal to call Gaza one; and how Israel continues to assault Gaza even after Hamas offered a ceasefire.

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