The Critical Hour

New York Investigates Trump; US Has Destroyed Ukraine; Meeks Backtracks on Israel Weapons

The New York Attorney General has announced that her office is involved in an in-depth investigation into the business practices of the business empire run by former President Trump.

Jim Kavanagh, writer at and CounterPunch, and the author of "The American Farce Unravels: Shreds of January 6th," joins us to discuss the criminal investigation into former President Trump's business practices. The New York Attorney General has announced that her office is involved in an in-depth investigation into the former president's business empire.

Ted Rall, political cartoonist and syndicated columnist, joins us to discuss Israel. Congresswoman Rashid Tlaib (D-MI) has confronted President Biden over his unconditional support for Israel. Also, Representative Gregory Meeks (D-NY), the Chair of the powerful Foreign Affairs Committee, has reversed his push to pause arms sales to Israel.

Mark Sleboda, Moscow-based international relations security analyst, joins us to discuss Ukraine. The US-assisted overthrow of the democratically elected Ukrainian government in 2014 has created a failed state that is heavily influenced by pro-Nazi ultra-nationalist groups. The US' actions in Eastern Europe achieved the opposite of what its regime-change propaganda claims.

Alaa Hammouda, Rotary Peace Fellow and human rights activist, joins us to discuss Yemen. Leaders of the Ansar Allah resistance movement in Yemen have stated that they are eager to import their strategies and battlefield knowledge to the Palestinians. Alaa talks about growing support for the Palestinians in the Middle East and beyond.

Danny Sjursen, retired US Army Major and author of "Patriotic Dissent: America in the Age of Endless War," joins us to discuss his latest article, "The Russian Bounty Story Is a Deadly Example of Fake News." Danny points out the "dangers of escalating tensions between two of the world’s greatest nuclear powers and the flagrant disregard for facts many Democrats and corporate media outlets have exhibited in their rhetoric regarding Russia."

Journalist and author Caleb Maupin joins us to discuss China. China continues to exhibit technological prowess as they land a Mars rover, launch a new ocean observation satellite, and break ground on a new nuclear energy project with Russia.

Dr. Linwood Tauheed, associate professor of Economics at the University of Missouri- Kansas City, joins us to discuss the US economy. Dr. Tauheed discusses Google's announcement of new privacy features for Android phones, without mentioning a limitation on ad tracking. 

Marjorie Cohn, professor of law at the Thomas Jefferson School of Law in San Diego, California, and a former president of the National Lawyers Guild, joins us to discuss her latest article. Marjorie argues that the US is complicit in Israel's crimes in Gaza. She also argues that the Palestinians have a lawful right to resist the occupation.

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